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Perry ELLIOTT: "Sudden Cardiac in patients with Cardiomyopathies"
Perry ELLIOTT: "Risk stratification and prevention of sudden death in cardiomyopathies"
Professor Perry Elliott Facebook Live and Appeal Video 24th July 2020
Perry Elliott presentation changing the cardiology paradigm
Perry ELLIOTT: "Multiparametric approach to sudden cardiac death risk stratification"
EHJ Today - Genetics of Cardiomyopathies
Unanswered questions in TTR related cardiomyopathy with Professor Perry Elliott:
ESC TV 2014 - HCM Guidelines: Individualising care
Prof. Perry Elliott | Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine, University College London | ICON Chairman
Perry ELLIOTT: "Rare & Inherited Cardiovascular Disease"
Presentation of the International Training Course on: “Rare & Inherited Cardiovascular Disease”
Discussion with Professor Perry Elliott, University College London